Local restaurants delivering 1,000 meals to hospitals through Feed the Front Lines
nwitimes.com - Restaurants are delivering 1,000 meals to front-line health care workers at area hospitals this week that were donated through Feed the Front Lines, a nonprofit created by Kelly Law Offices in Crown Point and Operation Combat Bikesaver in Cedar Lake. Read More
Law office, Operation Combat Bikesaver launch fund to help struggling restaurants feed medical workers
nwitimes.com - Kelly Law Offices, which lobbied state lawmakers for relief for struggling Lake County restaurants, has partnered with Operation Combat Bikesaver on a fundraiser that will help eateries feed front-line health care workers engaged in the coronavirus fight. Read More
Lake County restaurants lobby state for coronavirus relief, warn of widespread closures
nwitimes.com - Lake County restaurant owners are appealing to state and federal lawmakers for relief, warning of potential widespread closures could follow the temporary shutdowns of unknown duration meant to halt the spread of coronavirus. ....... Crown Point-based attorney Michael Massucci wrote in a letter to state lawmakers and members of Indiana's Congressional delegation. Read More
Couple awarded $2.5 million
nwitimes.com - CROWN POINT | A Lake Superior Court jury awarded a Munster couple more than $2.6 million for injuries suffered in a Jan. 8, 2003, accident involving a drunken driver. ....Skeans' attorney, Tim Kelly, of Crown Point. Read More