St. Joseph County Accident Law Firm Handles Motor Vehicle Collisions
Indiana Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyers Focus on Damage Awards
There are many types of motor vehicle accidents that can result in serious, and sometimes fatal injuries. Some of the most common types of motor vehicle accidents include:
- Rollovers, which involve an interaction of the driver, roadway, vehicle, and environmental factors. Although some types of vehicles – SUVs – are prone to rollover accidents, driver behavior and environmental conditions also play a role, along with speed, location, and impairment.
- Single car accidents, which involve only one vehicle. Most single-vehicle accidents are run-off-road collisions, crashes with fallen debris or obstacles, rollovers, and collisions with wildlife.
- Rear-end collisions, which involve a vehicle colliding with the vehicle in front of it. These accidents commonly result from driver inattention or distraction, following too close, and poor road conditions due to weather.
- Side-impact collisions, also known as broadside or T-bone accidents, impact the side of one or more vehicles and commonly happen at intersections, parking lots, and when two vehicles pass on a roadway.
- Head-on collisions occur when the front of two vehicles collide while traveling in opposite directions. Being aware of traffic signs, street conditions, and lane position can help drivers avoid these types of accidents.
Motorcycle Accidents Often Severe
Another type of motor vehicle accident involves a collision with a motorcycle, which often results in serious or fatal injuries for the motorcyclist. Many motorcycle accidents occur when passenger vehicles are making left-hand turns and fail to see a motorcycle in their path.
Contact an Experienced St. Joseph County Motor Vehicle Accident Law Firm Today
Were you injured in a motor vehicle accident in St. Joseph County, Indiana and seek to recover damages? Contact the attorneys at Kelly Law Offices, LLC online or call 1-800-859-8800 to set up your free initial consultation today.