Indiana Personal Injury Lawyers Help Victims of Distracted Driving Accidents Recover
Hammond, IN Law Firm Focuses on Motor Vehicle Accidents
Distracted driving is extremely risky behavior. It accounts for about one-fourth of all the fatalities associated with car accidents and can also lead to other dangerous habits.
Research has shown that there is a link between a driver’s cell phone use while transporting children and other risky driving behaviors, including not wearing a seat belt, not consistently using safety restraints with their kids, and driving while impaired by alcohol or drugs.
Distracted Driving a Bad Example
According to the report, about half of all parents with children between the ages of four and 10 talk on their cell phones while their kids are in the car, one in three text and read text messages, and one in seven use social media while driving. Even parents who did not engage in otherwise risky behaviors, such as driving while impaired or not wearing a seat belt, still tended to use their cell phones while driving. Further study is needed to determine if parents’ unsafe driving behaviors influence their own children when they begin to drive.
Parents need to realize that every time their children ride with them in the back seat of their car, they are providing a visible example that their kids are likely to follow. Research indicates that teens’ driving habits are influenced much more by what they see their parents do than what they hear their parents say and drivers’ education class begins the day a child’s car seat becomes front-facing. The main takeaway: to keep young drivers safe on the road, always be the driver you want your teen to be.
Contact an Experienced Hammond, IN Personal Injury Attorney Today
Were you injured in a collision with a distracted driver? Contact the personal injury attorneys at Kelly Law Offices online or call 1-800-859-8800 to set up your free initial consultation today.