Illinois Motorcycle Accident Attorneys Represent Injured Riders
Cook County, Illinois Law Firm Helps Motorcyclists Injured Due to Road Debris
Poor road conditions, such as the presence of foreign debris on the road, particularly in or near construction sites, can render a motorcyclist unable to negotiate a bike safely and can lead to an accident.
According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, road debris that is merely a nuisance to a car can cause a motorcycle to spin out of control and crash. Some common road debris that poses a hazard to a motorcyclist includes:
- Loose gravel
- Leaves, trees, or branches
- Blown truck tires
- Hay bales
- Car parts
- Light poles, particularly when live wires are present
- Signs that have blown or fallen into the roadway
- Misplaced construction barrels
- Truck cargo
- Metal debris that has fallen off other vehicles
- Miscellaneous litter and trash
It is important for motorcyclists to watch for road debris, but unfortunately, not all accidents can be avoided.
Who is Liable for a Motorcycle Accident Caused by Road Debris?
In most cases, the driver and owner of the vehicle that left the debris behind would be responsible for injuries to a motorcyclist, although it can be hard to assign liability if the person who dropped the debris is not identified and caught. If a motorcycle accident can be linked to poor road maintenance and the government’s failure to keep the roadway clear, the city, county, or the state of Illinois could be held liable for the damages sustained.
Contact a Cook County, Illinois Motorcycle Accident Attorney Today
Were you involved in a motorcycle accident in Cook County, Illinois that resulted from road debris? Contact the injury attorneys at Kelly Law Offices, LLC online or call 1-800-859-8800 to discuss your potential for recovery today.