Lake County, Indiana Auto Accident Law Firm Experienced With Catastrophic Accidents
When a person is healthy, a life care plan is often the last thing on their mind. But a catastrophic event like a motor vehicle accident can leave them with a long-term disability, derailing all their plans.
What is a Life Care Plan?
A life care plan helps families respond to the challenges presented by the disability of a loved one. It is a planning process that changes over time as circumstances change and should provide a road map that allows for the achievement of quality of life, care, and long-term care financing goals.
How to Develop a Life Care Plan
A life care plan defines, manages, prioritizes, and activates all aspects of a disabled person’s care. In order to develop a successful life care plan, you must have an understanding of the disabled person’s:
- Diagnoses
- Medical treatment
- Estimated costs of treatment and services
- Factors that could affect the outcome of care
- Psychosocial implications
- Ongoing health care
- Long-term care needs
You will also need to be knowledgeable about community resources, public benefits, and eligibility for these resources, and be able to identify and develop alternatives for care that are consistent with the needs of the disabled person. An attorney can successfully customize a life care plan to fit the needs and desires of a disabled individual, taking into consideration their concerns and circumstances.
Contact a Lake County, Indiana Accident Attorney Today
Have you or a loved one been left with a long-term disability resulting from a motor vehicle accident in Lake County, Indiana? Contact Kelly Law Offices, LLC online or call 1-800-859-8800 to discuss your case with an experienced accident attorney today.