Hammond, Indiana Accident Attorneys Represent Injured Motorcyclists
Hammond, Indiana Motorcycle Injury Law Firm Focuses on Road Debris Accidents
Hazardous road conditions require motorcyclists to be alert, especially in areas with restricted visibility. Visually hectic surroundings could conceal you and your motorcycle from other motorists and raise your risk for injury.
Evaluating Road Hazards
Motorcyclists need to evaluate road hazards and consider how they can act to protect themselves, anticipate potential problems, and have a plan to reduce risks, particularly when faced with:
- Road and surface characteristics that aren’t necessarily in your path, but may influence your riding strategy.
- Traffic control devices including traffic lights, warning signals, and pavement markings that require you to carefully evaluate the circumstances ahead.
- Vehicles and other traffic that might move into your path and increase the likelihood of a crash.
- Think about your time and space requirements in order to maintain a margin of safety and give yourself time to react if an emergency arises.
Minimizing Harm
To create more space and reduce harm from any hazard, including road debris, riders need to:
- Make their presence known with their lights.
- Adjust their speed by accelerating, stopping or slowing.
- Modify their position or direction by changing lanes or moving to another position within their lane.
In potential high-risk areas, such as intersections and construction zones, riders should decrease the time necessary to react to potential debris and hazards in the roadway.
Contact a Hammond, Indiana Motorcycle Injury Lawyer Today
Did the presence of debris on the road cause you to become injured in a motorcycle accident in Hammond, Indiana? Contact the accident lawyers at Kelly Law Offices, LLC online or call 1-800-859-8800 to set up your no-cost initial consultation today.