Illinois Accident Attorneys Fight For Injured Motorcyclists
Will County, Illinois Motorcycle Injury Law Firm Pursues Maximum Damages
Road debris is a hazard that can cause drivers and motorcyclists to lose control of their vehicles, resulting in collisions, injuries, and even deaths. According to estimates from the National Safety Council (NSC), despite the fact that motor vehicle deaths decreased by one percent in 2017, 40,100 lives were lost.
An estimated 50,000 accidents each year are caused by road debris, a hazard that is very difficult for drivers and motorcyclists to avoid. In fact, experts say that the chance of losing control of a vehicle is actually increased when someone attempts to swerve and avoid road debris rather than striking it head-on.
Shredded tires are among the most common and dangerous types of road debris, along with flying debris, which travels at high speeds and can result in severe damage, injuries, or death.
Liability for Road Debris Accidents
Truck drivers and other motorists are responsible for the cargo they carry, and should it fall off their vehicle and onto the roadway where it causes someone to lose control and crash, liability could rest with the person initially hauling the cargo. Property owners can also be held liable for improperly dumping garbage and other debris in the roadway, where it creates a hazard and leads to an accident.
Contact a Will County, Illinois Motorcycle Injury Lawyer Today
Did you sustain serious injuries in a motorcycle accident in Will County, Illinois? If road debris was a factor in the crash, contact the motorcycle injury lawyers at Kelly Law Offices, LLC online or call 1-800-859-8800 to set up your free initial consultation today.